The following is extracted and generated from a recent copy of J. Wright's biography on Wikipedia. You can click here to read the source article at Wikipedia.

Don J. Wright

Don J. Wright is an American physician and government official.

Wright served as the acting United States Secretary of Health and Human Services for twelve days in 2017. He was designated by President Donald Trump after his predecessor, Tom Price, resigned on September 29, 2017, amid a charter-flight scandal.1 Wright was replaced as acting Secretary by newly-confirmed Deputy Secretary Eric Hargan on October 10, 2017.2


Wright received his undergraduate degree from Texas Tech University and his medical degree from the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. He completed his family medicine residency training at Baylor College of Medicine. In addition to his medical degree, he holds a Master of Public Health degree from the Medical College of Wisconsin.3


After completing his residency, Wright worked for 15 years in the private sector, maintaining an extensive clinical and consulting practice in Central Texas.4

From 2003 to 2007, Wright was Director of the Office of Occupational Medicine for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).5

Wright started at HHS in 2007, as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health. In 2009, he became Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health Care Quality, and in 2012, he was named Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health and Director of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.6 He continues in those positions after being replaced as acting Secretary of HHS.7


1,7Goldstein, Amy et al. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price resigns after criticism for taking charter flights at taxpayer expense, 29 September 2017. LINK
2Trump Announces Eric Hargan as Acting HHS Secretary, KTLA, October 10, 2017, accessed October 10, 2017. LINK
3,4,5Don Wright, M.D., M.P.H., at, June 28, 2016. LINK
6Valencia, Robert. Tom Price is out, so it's time to get to know new HHS Secretary Don Wright, 29 September 2017. LINK

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